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Chinese Climate Change experts visit EU headquarters and four European cities

In September 2017, seven high level experts on climate change of the Chinese Government held meetings at the European Commission in Brussels and then visited best practices in Ghent, Lisbon, Almada and Vienna. The Chinese delegation was led by the Director General of the Climate Change Department of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

This mission was the first activity of IUC’s component 2, i.e. to strengthen EU-Asia cooperation on local and regional climate change action, building upon the EU Covenant of Mayors initiative.

The delegation included also experts from NDRC, the National Climate Strategy Center (NCSC) and the Institute of Urban Development and Environment (IUDE) at the China Academy of Social Science. These entities have been appointed by the NDRC as possible institutions for setting-up a technical support secretariat for the Covenant in China.

The mission provided Chinese representatives with technical training and hands-on experiences regarding the EU’s approach towards low carbon urban development, focusing on the EU Covenant of Mayors. It also paved the way to set a roadmap for a governance structure and a technical support secretariat for the Covenant in China.

The visit included policy results (e.g. institutional setting and processes of the Covenant), methodological aspects developed by the JRC and practical implementation measures in Belgium, Portugal and Austria. Here, Chinese experts were able to learn how local governments implement the EU Covenant of Mayors. The EU cities visited were chosen based on their track record on climate change mitigation and adaptation measures as well as on their experience on access to clean energy within the EU Covenant of Mayors.


Agenda NDRC visit to the EU_20170921_V8

Meetings in Brussels

01_EU CoM_IUC-Chinese-Delegation_210917

02_JRC Bertoldi_Training for IUC China_20170921

03 CASS ZHUANG Guiyang_Low carbon cities in China

04 NCSC_China’s Policies and Actions on CC-yx-0921

05 NCSC on Greenhous Gas Inventory in China

06_GCoM_China Delegation Deck 20.09.17 English_Chinese

07_IUC PSU 21.09.2017_Visit Chinese delegation_Final

Pictures from Brussels Meetings

Meetings in Ghent

01_20170922_PU_Climate Adaptation_City of Ghent

02_20170917_PU_energy coaching companies_BG


04_20190922_PU_Citizen budget_Ghent

Pictures from Ghent Meetings


Meetings in Almada

01_Almada_Saanich_Collaborative Partnership_Habitat_Out2016

Pictures from Meetings in Almada

Meetings in Lissabon

Agenda: High-Level Chinese delegation Lisbon

01_General presentation Chinese deleg English 26 Set17_Optimized

02_Centro Operaciones Sharing Cities Port Set 2017


Pictures from Meetings in Lisbon


Meetings in Vienna

00 Hruschka Thomas

01 Heat Islands_Chin-Delegation


03_Klip_Sattler00 Vienna Intro

Pictures from Meetings in Vienna

Further information is available in the forum site of the project



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