Today the IUC Asia participated in the Virtual Expert Group Meeting on Vertical Integration of Climate Action in Asia and the Pacific organized by UNESCAP with the objective to identify priority policies, actions and desired futures for Asia and the Pacific. UNESCAP is the United Nations’ Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. The event was attended by more than 50 participants.
Through a mix of presentations and break-out group discussions, the participants examined the type of national-level policies that are needed to support collaborative city climate action. They discussed how cities can help raise the ambition of NDCs and national climate plans, and brainstormed on how regional cooperation, including city-to-city and country-to-country cooperation, can be leveraged to scale up urban climate action in Asia and the Pacific.
The IUC’s Asia promotes vertical integration through the technical assistance provided via the following:
- For Indonesia, IUC technical assistance is integrated within the MoEF’s purpose through the introduction of relevant national reporting platforms.
- For Malaysia, IUC technical assistance is integrated within the national framework through the introduction of national guidance on how cities can reduce their carbon emission levels.
- IUC Asia supports the cities to raise the country’s NDCs ambition by identifying cities’ mitigation actions and adaption actions, as well as facilitating in financing for the better implementation of identified actions.